Bed Covers, Toppers, & Lids
Bed Protection & Accessories
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Bed Covers, Toppers, & Lids / Pace Edward
TracTop™ Cover
  • Weather resistant padded polymer cover laminated to rigid aluminum panels 
  • Low profile, flush aerodynamic design 
  • 100% no-drill advanced mounting system 
  • Superior scratch resistant finish on aluminum trim
  • Built in cargo light for night visibility
  • Multiple locking positions (every 12 inches) on long and short bed versions
  • Advanced low profile latch-handle system off set to driver side
  • Independent latch and lock mechanism with built in pull strap
TracTop-Cover™ retractable hard Tonneau cover retracts automatically using a pull strap and opens and closes without needing the key. The cover has locking positions every 12 inches and automatically catches into each position as you pull it forward. TracTop™ has a low profile aerodynamic design that is 100% flush mounted with texture finish rails and top cover. The TracTop-Cover has a clamp-in design and for easy accessibility, the handle and lock are mounted to the driver's side with a cargo light for improved bed visibility.

© Copyright 2000 - 2003 Rhino WV

Rt. 47 East
P.O. Box 187
 Davisville, WV  26142
 ph. 304.428.2110